Change The Rules

Societal rules aren’t always meant for you—and if you find yourself following rules that don’t align with your values or well-being, it’s time to rethink them. Many rules exist not to serve you, but to benefit someone else—an organization, a system, or a tradition that may not have your best interests at heart.

The truth is, rules only have power over you if you subscribe to them. This is why it’s essential to examine the beliefs your subconscious mind has accepted as "truth." Are these rules empowering you or limiting you? Conducting an internal audit of your subconscious programming will reveal what you might be unknowingly resisting—or what’s holding you back from growth and success.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “What you resist, persists.” But not all resistance is conscious. Often, the rules we follow without question are the ones shaping our reality the most. By gaining awareness of these subconscious influences, you reclaim control and unlock the power to create a life that truly aligns with your purpose.

So, challenge the rules. Rewrite them. Make them work for you.


Mindset is Everything