Insecurity is loud.

Insecurity is loud. Fear is even louder. They don’t just echo in the world around you—they scream within your own mind. The harsh inner dialogue, the self-doubt, the relentless criticism—it’s all a lie.

Fear is a liar. So are the negative thoughts that try to convince you that you’re not enough.

But here’s the truth: You are enough. You always have been. And it’s time to start speaking to yourself with the love and kindness you deserve.

Try it. Replace the self-criticism with self-compassion. Instead of, I’m not good enough, say, I am worthy. Instead of, I can’t do this, say, I am capable.

At first, it might feel unfamiliar—like wearing new shoes that haven’t been broken in. But keep going. Shift your inner dialogue, and watch how everything begins to change.


You Don’t Get What You Give